Monday, May 2, 2011

Hats off to life!

Wow! What a great experience it was!

I was stunned! That was truly bizarre! But you know what the most shocking thing was my own expression. I just smiled. Literally I just smiled at the situation. I had no bad feelings for anybody however I was the only sufferer. Didn’t know what would happen in future but I felt a great belief in myself at the moment. Strange but it’s a fact!

Well, one thing comes out very clear out of all this 'Life is a great teacher'. At times it teaches you the lesson which you can’t think even but the very next moment you just experience it lively. All it demands just your reaction. And, then your every activity depends on that only.

Right now I’ve no better words to say except…Hats off to life!

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एक प्यारा सा बदलाव :) दिन बदला, साल बदला बदला हर मौसम भी, फिर भी अपना प्यार न बदला जबकि बदले कुछ तुम भी और कुछ हम भी ये भी एक सच है इ...