Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I am thankful for what I have!

Everybody is surprised to see me
ask me
suggest me
what's the matter
when you've everything in your life?
how should I make them understand?
tears are tears,
they also come out from happiness;
not always an outcome of sadness.
what's my fault if
both look same?
the only difference is
tears of happiness flow with a request
to keep the moment as it is
as it knows life is name of changes.
but then
something held my hand and took me to a world
where I tasted happiness with no more requests
the very same tears
but every feeling was full of thanks and gratitude.
Now I feel new with a different attitude
I am thankful for what I have
instead of demanding for what I don't have.
I am greatful for which I am blessed
instead of expecting more greatness.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Instead of...

Say different like Samsung
who said
'Hello Holi' instead of 'Happy Holi'

Do different like Obama
who proved
Intelligence runs fast instead of caste

Play different like Sachin
who made
Cricket Indo-Pak's divine instead of 'Om' or 'Amen'

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

At times no rivalry between heart and brain!

 Brain has unmatched power but why heart, a little organ wins over brain sometimes? The organ which controls movements, thoughts, memory and even feelings loses the love game of heart so easily. See the little heart which sends only blood around the body is smart enough to make the intellectual brain idle.

Some people show off that their will power is very strong when their heart loses the grip of victory while some call it their sacrifice very smartly. But deep inside they follow their heart because everybody knows that it’s only heart which brings peace and satisfaction in their life. Yes! It’s very much true that brain brings many things in life but only heart knows how to live it to the fullest as brain is not blessed with the power. That’s why sometimes brain becomes a big follower of heart and helps it with some wonderful tips when the heart needs it the most. At the moment, there exists no rivalry between them; the whole body with its conscience enjoys the real happiness.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Feel the pain!

Don't know why I am so?
I feel the pain when I see somebody in pain
doesn't matter whether
it's a real story or scripted one
for a moment or three hours long
while reading, watching or listening
whatever, whichever or wherever it is
it knocks at my heart.
Don't know why?
Okkk! accepted!
Agreed that I am a human being
so it always happens
but why?
when I know...
People can make fun of it.
People can take advantage of it. And, my dear
People can suffer from it.
Then why I am so
I know everything.
Can't I become smarter?
Can't I become stronger? For heaven's sake
Can't I become realistic?
Yes! I can...
I can do anything and everything
because when I know my problems
I also know its solutions
But then
whom I am honest to
here I think
It's worth being made a fun of
If I can be a cause to put a smile on some cry baby's face.
It's worth being taken advantage of
If I win somebody's trust in his/her need.
It's worth feeling the pain
If I give somebody a little advice which makes his/her life
If so
then i think there is no harm
If I am so!
I feel the pain if I see somebody in pain.
Let people think what they want to think.
I should not care
because I am
what I am!

Lucky! who?

Liking is good;
Loving is better;
But the best is

adoring and being adored by somebody.
People are lucky

who come under third category!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Because time has changed...

Now no scam is a social stigma and no child is innocent any more.
Every girl has to be Sheela and boy is like Aditya Birla;
walking while talking on mobile nonetheless it's day or night.
Politics has become a game of professional crimes;
nobody knows the address of losers,
but criminals are welcome for the post of winners.

Because time has changed...

Now no son is like father and no girl is like mother any more.
Dream of an IAS's daughter is to run a radio station,
while the son of a teacher wants to be the world famous cricketer.
Corruption or charity actually starts from home,
but children can do what their parents can't even think to do.

Because time has changed...

Now no man is a common man and no movie is a play any more.
Performances are based on real life stories,
which are actually inspired from reel life fantasies.
Who learns from whom? nobody knows,
but everybody is second to nobody that's the real cause.

Because time has changed...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It's worth doing!

Bunking college to watch a movie
Flattering best friend before his girl-friend
In every weekend, getting late on date
It's worth telling a lie because something in life has its own delight.

Kissing a sleeping cute baby
Reading somebody's personal diary
In public, exchanging glances with beloved
It's worth stealing because something in life has its own delight.

Looking at someone special's photographs
Dabbing tears in happy moments
In need, helping near and dear ones
It's worth doing it silently because something in life has its own delight.

Monday, March 14, 2011

No one is a common man!

Three days back I had a great experience. For the first time in my life, I felt that there is no term like common man. I mean no one is actually a common man; we all are very special in ourselves. All of us have our own some individual attributes which are unmatched. No one can compare anybody. It's a myth that only the best person wins in contests/competitions or exams. But tell me who decides who the best is?

I was surprised to see how everybody was so different in thinking with each other even though the topic was same. Everyone did his/her best job but judges also had their own definitions of good, better and best. So in their eyes, only one was the winner. But actually winner is not the person, who stands first only, but he is who feels that yes, this time I've done better than before. I think it depends on us how we evaluate us a winner before accepting the others' decision.

Yes! Believe it or not but it's very much that our competition is not with others in real. Who knows what destiny is? Nobody else except us. Only we know where we have to go. Earlier I used to think, whether I was better or worse than others. I used to do futile efforts to win over others. As a result I often got frustrated or sentimental or happy sometimes. But now my perspective is different although the things are same. May be this was the only reason why I felt like a winner the other day without even participating the contest. And, you won't believe how amazing it was to feel the feeling.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Let me die

 {on behalf of Aruna in context with Ehuthanasia/mercy killing}

Let me die with dignity
I also have a right to live happily.

What if
my life can’t give any happiness to you?
but at least
my death can relieve me from all my worries…

You all know
it hardly matters to you if I am alive…
but at least
my death matters as it will become a law for you.

Let me die happily
I also have a right to live with dignity!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Let's do...

Let's do something different...
why always falling in love?
I prefer to rise in love rather.

Let's try something unusual...
why expecting and crying in love?
I prefer to smile every time rather.

Let's explore something extraordinary...
why blame luck in love?
I prefer to listen to heart rather.

except when...

No boy is ill-behaved when he teases a woman
except when he stops respecting women.

No girl remains unattractive when she loves truly
except when she starts taking love for granted.

No person looks bad when he/she smiles
except when he/she makes fun of somebody.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I, my, me !!!

Me and my goodness
along with my badness
live in one house

Each of us do good alone;
but bear extreme of bad together.
Scale of goodness of each is sepearate;
but stand against badness together.

Me and my badness
along with my madness
live in one house

Badness-tolerance level of each is divided;
but swallow height of rmadness together.
Each has its own issue to fight with badness;
but always win with madness together.

Me and my madness
along with my goodness
live in one house

Friday, March 4, 2011

It's time to be selfish!

It's time to be selfish now. Forget about respect, love, sacrifice and devotion. I am sorry, for the time being there is no place for all these so called essentials of life.

Once in a life you've to opt for selfishness to be happy and to make others happy as well. I am not kidding. It's a hard fact. It gives you relief. It makes your vision clear. And, the most important is it strengthens you to respect, love and sacrifice again in the long way :) I know you are you after all and you can't be changed. It's your nature.

But it's always better to recharge yourself on times. So for heaven's sake at least be selfish now!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A visit to Radio Station

Last week got a chance to visit a Radio Station. Though it was pre-planned with my two friends still I would call it a chance because with me everything just happens. Nothing happens with a plan. Sometimes my plans also wait to be happened. Isn't it funny? Yes, it is! Well, it was Dhamal Radio Station of Karnal city which was situated in Sector 6 market. I had to catch the bus for Delhi in the morning so I had reached the radio station before the morning show started. But I saw almost each and everything there like music scheduling , listing and processing of programmes which were going to be broadcast. A recorded show was already on air at that time. So I tried to understand it but as it was not a live show so I could not ask much.

Besides, I met the Radio Jockey who was going to present the morning first show. In fact both my friends were very much part of it. So at least I was not so crazy to see the radio guys as a lay man was generally. Ha ha ha. Overall it was a very good experience for me. I enjoyed it very much.

Now let me introduce my friends without the help of whom it was not possible for me to visit the radio station so easily. One of them is a music scheduler and other is RJ there. Both are just perfect in their job profiles. Whenever I ask anything about radio activities of some special occasion they make me understand very clearly. I am lucky to have such friends. :) :) :)

एक प्यारा सा बदलाव :) दिन बदला, साल बदला बदला हर मौसम भी, फिर भी अपना प्यार न बदला जबकि बदले कुछ तुम भी और कुछ हम भी ये भी एक सच है इ...