Well, I start this post with 'Thanks' to Sudha
Shashwati (http://thelidislifted.blogspot.in/2013/03/more-love-coming-my-way.html)
for nominating me for this honour :)
So, What is Liebster Blog Award? I have come to know
about this only after going through some fellow bloggers' posts and so here it is all about this:-
- Liebster means you love some fellow blogger’s work and appreciate it by this gesture
- You've to mention 11 things about yourself, after getting the nominations
- You've to answer 11 questions, asked by the blogger who nominated you
- You've to nominate 11 other bloggers having less than 200 followers, and ask them 11 questions like you were asked :)
- Notify your nominations candidates by commenting on their blogs
- Post Liebster’s picture on your post as a gesture of acceptance
So here is my turn. Let me follow this protocol step by step :)
- Honestly speaking I am my favourite still enjoy improving myself everyday
- I enjoy writing but have become advertising copywriter by chance
- I love talking to strangers, visiting new places and trying new things
- I often forget names of my closed friends even :-p
- Listening to music is my weakness while dancing is my strength
- I am a spiritual person. That’s why my brother used to tease me with the tags dadi Amma/satsangi baba/motivator/counselor/dramebaz/natunki J
- I am a movie buff. I love watching concept based movies, hardly matters it’s romantic, horror, comedy or suspense.
- Now-a-days I crave for cooking my own food. You know health consciousness :-p
- I like doing things with maintaining hygiene around me and hope everybody should take care of it.
- Exercising, Yoga and Meditation are basic things of my life now
- I feel that I am blessed with a very loving and caring family and extended family including my relatives, friends, Art of Living group and ofcourse some people with whom there is no relation but love is there always :)
1. Religion
or spirituality?
2. Do
you like partying?
Yes, I do but that depends on
my mood actually :-p
3. Who
is your Prime Ministerial candidate for 2014?
Mr. Narender Modi
4. Barcelona
or Manchester United?
Manchester United
5. Blogger
or Wordpress?
6. Dream
holiday destination?
Banglore, Art of Living Ashram :)
7. Which
genre of books/movies do you enjoy most?
Anything concept based
8. What
are your views on marriage?
Sharing and caring with love and
commitment J
9. Did
you study Sanskrit in school?
Yes upto 10th standard
10. Is
Chetan Bhagat overhyped according to you?
I don’t think so. Infact I like his style of writing :)
11. Did
you ever get lost in a new place?
Not yet
Next step: My nominations for Liebster blog Award
Ram pyari http://smilethesmile.blogspot.in/
Sush http://vj-menon.blogspot.in/
Leo Paw http://bigbitz.blogspot.in/
Rekha Jithin http://afshan-shaik.blogspot.in/
Shri….. http://shrithechamp.blogspot.in/
Anand http://musingsofanand.blogspot.in/
Zach http://autopublie.blogspot.in/
Manju Modiyani http://andmylifegoeson.blogspot.in/
Aditya http://palchhin-aditya.blogspot.in/
Here I am gonna inform individually :)

My questions for them are:-
1. Mother or Mother Land?
2. Indo-Pak cricket match or Friend's wedding?
3. Do you like watching TV advertisements? and, why?
4. Do age and status matter when you like somebody?
5. Your reaction when some stranger appreciates you?
6. Do you believe in black magic?
7. Favourite time pass?
8. Who is your Ideal person?
9. Friends or girl friend/boy friend?
10. Individual benefit or social reform?
So now it's your turn to spread the love :)