Friday, October 21, 2011

Take responsibility...

Some days back
I was sad
for some silly reasons.
I was given some responsibility.
I thought 'How can I do this?
but then
I became busy to fulfill that.

After some days…

I was crying
for some stupid things.
All of a sudden
I was asked to make somebody smile.
I thought 'how can I do this?'
but then
I became busy to do anything for that.

After a couple of days…

I was confused
for taking some important decision
Out of the blue
I found myself
helping someone else
for taking the very same decision
Oh My God!
How can I do this?

Now what I’ve realized…

Nature is teaching me a lesson every time
whenever I need it the most.

Take responsibility as much as you can!

the more we take responsibility
the more capable we become!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Same but different!

Beautiful or ugly,
Interesting or boring,
cheerful or tragic
whatever it is…
but of course every face tells a story.

A mobile library
carrying past, present
and dreams too
every time.
Alone or together
with smile or tension
but undeniably everyone is like a story.

Choose as you like
read as per your interest
but somehow
you find the same things
in every story.
Same feelings, same emotions
order may be different
series is same because
every soul has been given a common life story!

एक प्यारा सा बदलाव :) दिन बदला, साल बदला बदला हर मौसम भी, फिर भी अपना प्यार न बदला जबकि बदले कुछ तुम भी और कुछ हम भी ये भी एक सच है इ...