Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Life keeps flowing...

Life flows…
Situations come…go…come…
some play with you
some handled by you…
not in perfect way
but at least it seems so…
you become a toy of circumstances
dance like a puppet
to the tunes of good or bad phases.

Life flows…
People meet…depart…meet…
some leave you
some with you…
not forever
but at least they try to be…
you become a slave of relations
fight like a warrior
as per the good or bad time.

You make situations…Good or bad.
Situations make you…Winner or loser.
Decide yourself!
But life keeps flowing…

एक प्यारा सा बदलाव :) दिन बदला, साल बदला बदला हर मौसम भी, फिर भी अपना प्यार न बदला जबकि बदले कुछ तुम भी और कुछ हम भी ये भी एक सच है इ...