Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'll do my best!

I am happy. But don't know how much. I am sad. But don't know why I am so. I tell you one thing more today. I am doing something great now-a-days. Big investment in it. Big risk in it. And, last but not least it demands a big heart to do it. But I will do it!

I will do my best and leave the rest to God...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

That can be a reason!

It's a fact that everything around us happens for a reason. Still there are many things in life which just happen. Let’s try to find out the reasons today:-

Smile on your face
Reason: The person who makes you smile loves to see you smile!

Tears in your Eyes
Reason: There is somebody you really care for!

Worries at the start of the day
Reason: To make you realize you are still alive!

Day Dreaming
Reason: You actually wanna turn your dreams into reality!

More Expenditure
Reason: You have the guts to find out more sources of Income!

Messy room after your birthday party
Reason: You have fun-loving friends around you!

Proud Parents
Reason: They've just a habit to be proud of. Hardly matters there is a reason or not!

I am fine. Thank you!
Reason: Your simple answer of a very formal question 'How are you?' !

Text on your mobile
Reason: There is somebody who remembers you right now!

I love you
Reason: I feel good about myself in your presence!

With Lots of LOVE...

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Alone you are one; together we are eleven.
Alone you are a force; together we are a movement.
that's being Indians!

Alone you can say only; together we can shout.
Alone you can smile only; together we can laugh.
that's being friends!

Alone you are striving; together we will make it possible.
Alone you are living life; together we will celebrate it to the fullest.
that's being lovers!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Sweet or sour
happening or shocking
You always give me surprises
It brings a smile on my face
like a child's kite soaring very high
touching the whiter blue sky.
I feel privileged
I deserve to be obliged
as it's proved
You neither overlook me nor my prayer
because You are with me

Monday, April 18, 2011

All it demands...

Wanna do something different
different in usual;
different with usual.
But people says...
doing usual is better
with low risk and high probability of occurrence.
But I know...
my different will be better than the usual;
smarter than the casual.
What if...
there is elevated risk and small possibility of prevalence.
At least for one thing I am sure
If it occurs…
that would be full of
more enthusiasm and great happiness.
All it demands…
my deep trust and high confidence!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Situations change…attitude change…but the truth remains same!

If you are right and attitude is positive then no matter what the situation is, you will win the game at any cost. This was the moral of the story; I mean the message of the movie ‘Prey’.

At different stage of life different things happen. Sometimes you are prey to somebody; next time you make somebody your prey. This is the fact of life so accept it and live with it. It may be possible you lose your patience when you come to know you have fallen prey to somebody…but… but…but…never give up.

At times disasters happen but never give up. Who knows that happens for your betterment. Bad, worse, or worst, circumstances change definitely; all you need is intention to change it. But never give up. Do what your heart tell you to do but by maintaining a balance with the mind. You are not wrong until your heart tells it to you but friendship with brain has its own importance. Just face the situation whole heartedly and then everybody will accept you and your belief one day.

bye for now...good night!

With lots of love...
Shveta :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


An interesting movie! Nice implied message! And, really scary at least for me!

It’s all about terror. Terrors of being caught by own family, some ill-spirit, and last but not least Cujo, a gigantic dog. I often got scared whenever the ghastly face of Cujo appeared on the screen. Still wanted to watch it {kyonki darr kae aage jeet hai :-) } so finally watched it with the expectation of victory over my fear of dogs!

A very good husband and a cute kid still the wife moved to infidelity until she realized the guilt herself. Fed up with her own stupidity she decided to confess. But husbands are husbands only. They have no such big hearts. But you know what there is nothing bigger than Love, the feeling which makes you learn to forgive the biggest crime even. So love showed its magic there also. Moreover, this was love only, which actually made her realized that she was at fault. And, when this love was for her child, it made her more powerful. Powerful than the crazy and horrible dog! Powerful than the ill-spirits even!

Hats off to this word of four letters 'Love' !

Sometimes you feel that you are weak, you are helpless when you love somebody but actually you are not. You know you do anything for the person you love. You can face any situation just for the sake of him/her. Just try to remember when you feel weak, it's only when the person hurts you. But this is also very much true that when you get the love from the same person then this very much weakness becomes your strength and empowers you in every way!

Ohhh! Shveta! not again...pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Love! Love! Love! Put a stop here nowwwwwwww!

Okkk Good Night...Sweet dreams...

With Love
Shveta :-)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Five Ps !

Don’t remember what he was talking about exactly. But the moment I heard five Ps, I recalled four Ps (Product, Price, Place & Promotion) of Marketing mix responsible for a brand recognition. The thought suddenly made me smile but very soon I realized that was the ultimate answer of our entire ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions from life in the form of 5 Ps.

According to his claim there are five fundamentals of life;

Pyaas (intention)
Prayatan (effort)
Prathna (prayer)
Pratiksha (wait)
& Prasad (result).

And, whatever you get in your life depends on how you understand these basics. In simple meaning, if you really want to get something then there must be Pyaas to get it and the more intense it is, the better it is. Prayatan must be hundred percent from your side, Prathana energises your faith in yourself but you have to wait for the right time to get the Prasad.

Now evaluate this concept with your own live example. You’ll get the answer why some of your dreams have been fulfilled and why for some you are still craving for?

I totally agree with him. Everything depends on us definitely but I would like to add something in the third step means besides our own Prathana (Prayer), sometimes our loved ones’ belief in us strengthens our faith also. Their wishes and blessings contribute to our results, no matter wherever we are, it affects undoubtedly!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Salutation to One Man...Anna Hazare!

Unstoppable billions scams forced One Man to stand;
One Man's stand will force to stop billion scams!

Youth dreams turned into passion to see One Man's determination;
One Man's passion will determine the future of youth dreams!

The whole Nation's thinking compels One Man to take a pledge;
One Man's pledge will now compel the whole Nation to think...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chak de India!

What brings India together?
Tsunami? Election? Assassination?
No...Never...Not yet...
It's Cricket, Cricket and only Cricket in India.
That's why it's our Incredible India!

Unity in diversity depicts only
when there is Cricket match of Pak vs India
That makes us feel we are one
who cares...
get separate the very next moment!

Either 60 years old or 6 years toddler;
everybody behaves like a Cricket master.
Forget being a politician or an actor;
just be there in the ground like a cheer character!

the real charm to see in the streets;
which you never see in Holi or Id.
Hooting, shouting along with full on music-masti...
singing, dancing all in against our dearest enemy's dosti!

Beer-cheer in bars is now an old fashion;
every house and office, a new address of celebration.
With Cricket, every brand has a connection,
although there is no blood relation!

Cricket in India! Fever of India! Chak de India!

एक प्यारा सा बदलाव :) दिन बदला, साल बदला बदला हर मौसम भी, फिर भी अपना प्यार न बदला जबकि बदले कुछ तुम भी और कुछ हम भी ये भी एक सच है इ...