Thursday, September 15, 2011

I am changed!

I feel
I am a changed person now.
my lots of questions have changed into
‘so what?’!

The thing is
I’ve to accept people as they are
with a smile
a pinch of salt.
choice is mine
so it’s better to choose
‘a smile’!

The fact is
whatever happens
just happens
because it’s bound to happen.
so no one is at fault
'Lack of awareness'
is responsible for every situation!

एक प्यारा सा बदलाव :) दिन बदला, साल बदला बदला हर मौसम भी, फिर भी अपना प्यार न बदला जबकि बदले कुछ तुम भी और कुछ हम भी ये भी एक सच है इ...